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Sacred Snuff Tornado Rapé
Sacred Snuff Tornado Rapé


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Sacred Snuff Hapay Bottles Fill Lines

A very strong and powerful mix of different incense and other special sacred ingredients. It contains very small amounts of powdered yopo seeds, Chacruna leaves, and datura leaves along with different sacred plants, trees, leaves and ashes.

Used to transmute and cleanse energetically lower frequencies with the ability to open, connect, and move energies directly to the Crown chakra.

Great for cleansing and expansion! It deepens meditation and increases connection to Spirit.

Uniquely and lovingly blended by the Shamanic Snuff Team in Peru.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Esme West
Powerful Medicine!

This is a very potent blend! I used it for the first time about 3 weeks after my last visit to Soul Quest, and it INSTANTLY reactivated Mother Aya in me. It was a beautiful and very visual experience that seemed to last for quite some time. After my meditation, I felt very peaceful and filled with love. It allowed me to go deeper and stay longer in my meditation. I would highly recommend Tornado.

Carlos Guzman
Powerful rapé

This is a strong rapé. It clears the mind and quiets my thoughts. Love it!