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Sacred Snuff Yawanawa Rapé
Sacred Snuff Yawanawa Rapé


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Made by the Yawanawa tribe from Brazil. A powerful and beautiful feminine rapé, likened to the "Warrior princess." Great for deep cleansing, re-aligning, and connecting more to the powerful feminine yin energies.

Used for intense meditation, energetic releasing, deep healing, and profoundly connecting to your chakras and energetic field.

Sacred Snuff Yawanawa Tribe Brazil

The Yawanawá (yawa = "wild boar" and nawá = "people") or Yaminawá (also known as Iaminaua or Jaminawa) are an indigenous people who live in Acre in Brazil, Madre de Dios in Peru, and Bolivia.

Their homeland is located in the state of Acre, Brazil. Their current population is approximately 1,300 people, who are distributed between seven main communities along the Gregório river.

The Yawanawa Indigenous Gregório River has 187,000 ha and is located 94 km from the city of Tarauacá in Acre. Its population is distributed in seven communities located on the river Gregório: Matrinchã, Amparo, Sete Estrela, Tibúrcio, Escondido, Mutum e Nova Esperança. The village New Hope (Nova Esperança) and Amparo are represented by COOPYAWA.

The Yaminawá translates to "people of the axe." They are also called the Iaminaua, Jaminawa, Yaminawá (in Brazil), Yaminahua (in Peru and Bolívia), as well as Yuminahua, Yabinahua, Yambinahua, Yamanawa, and other variants. The Yaminawá name was given to them by outsiders. They have several autonyms including Bashonawá (basho = "opossum"), Marinawá (mari = "cutia", an agouti), Xixinawá (xixi = "white coati," a Brazilian aardvark).

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Whoa! Intense (for me!)

I just used this blend for the first time tonight, while meditating and clearing space in my energy field and setting intentions for an Ayahuasca retreat this weekend. I agree with another reviewer, it hits hard, but definitely not overwhelming or unpleasant. I was immediately connected to my inner being and Mother Aya....I was able to release all feat, all judgement (self and otherwise) and experience the core of my being. Love is who I am. I am thankful that I chose this blend to meditate with the night before my Aya retreat. Thank you again, Sacred Snuff!

Great for Meditation Assist

I've been sitting with this rape daily for about two weeks. Color is grey with a slight tinge of brown. It hits the sinuses sharply but it's not overwhelming. Makes my eyes water every single time. I have felt it help me connect more with my life force/prana in sitting meditation. Leaves me feeling still and focused.